portrait of a young Hanover based commercial photographer


Honestly, I never really planned to take on photography as a profession. But thanks to a chain of coincidences I was offered an apprenticeship as a product photographer. That offer just happened to be made at a time that couldn't have been any better.

I started my apprenticeship in 2019 in a rural B2B studio that specialized in product photography. My instructors taught me the ins & outs of commercial studio photography while using a technical camera. And after putting in a lot of effort, I got to graduate a year early with the highest score in my state of 2021.

Since then, I have been working as a commercial photographer for the marketing agency Kochstrasse in Hanover, Germany. As part of a great team of colleagues & friends I get to work on terrific projects for large brands all over the place. Outside of my full-time job, I go & do whatever I can to spend more time around photography and stunning imagery.